Book Review: Atomic Habits


10 Lessons from Atomic Habits
By James Clear

1. Atomic habits are modest behaviors that, when performed regularly, produce significant changes over time. This is known as the power of small changes. Concentrate on making modest adjustments since they add up to amazing outcomes.

2. Habit stacking involves combining two habits to build a solid connection between them. This raises the possibility that the new behavior may persist and eventually become automatic.

3. Cue-Routine-Reward Loop: Cues, routines, and rewards work together to create habits. Find the cues that cause your bad behaviors to arise, then alter the routines while keeping the benefits.

4. Make Habits Clearly Visible: Establish a setting that promotes healthy behaviors and discourages unhealthy ones. Eliminate temptations and increase the visibility of your desirable behaviour.

5. Craving and Incentives: Linking behaviors to quick rewards or making them attractive will make you crave the behaviors, which will encourage you to repeat the behaviors.

6. Getting Things Done: Apply the two-minute rule: Do it right away if it takes less than two minutes to perform a habit. It is simpler to complete projects when they are divided into smaller, more manageable pieces.

7. Maintain a habit tracker to keep track of your progress and hold yourself accountable. Make your behaviors known to the world to make them more likely to persist.

8. Dealing with Plateaus: During the habit-building process, plateaus are common. Keep going; even if development may be gradual, it is still happening.

9. Identity's Function: Change your attention from what you want to do to who you want to become. Accept the identity of the individual who exhibits the behaviors you want to see.

10. Building atomic habits is a lifelong process of continuous improvement. Adopt a growth attitude as you advance and encounter new difficulties, and keep improving your behaviors.


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