Book Review: Happy Sexy Millionaire
10 Lessons learned from the book
“Happy Sexy Millionaire“
1) Happiness comes from within
Give up the idea that something must happen before you can become happy, because happiness comes from your heart, not your achievements.
2) The only worthwhile comparison is you yesterday versus you today
You are by any logical definition unique, so any
comparison is inherently and logically unfair. If you want to live a fulfilled life, forget about others and work on yourself.
3) More money won’t make you happier
Our most basic worries will come from the need for physical survival. Once a certain level of that is fulfilled, the next level up is what motivates us, and so on and so on. This is why money doesn’t scale satisfaction after a certain point
4) Happiness is not in seeking more but in enjoying less
If you keep having everything you want, you’ll only want more. Nothing will ever make you satisfied.Not having everything you want is part of what makes what you have so special.
5) Your sand timer is real
Your time is limited, spend it wisely doing what you should be doing, not wasting it living someone else’s life.
6) Focus on your intrinsic ambitions
Intrinsic motivation drives you to keep to your real self. It makes you engage in activity only because you enjoy it and get personal satisfaction from it. Intrinsic ambitions will ensure that you’re ultimately happy in life.
7) There is no self-development without self-awareness
You can read as many books as you like, but if you can’t read yourself, you’ll never learn a thing.
8)Become the best in your field by stacking complementary skills
To become the best in your industry, you don’t need to become the best at any one aspect, you only need to be very good at a variety of complementary skills. Skills that your industry requires for personal success.
9)Five things people regret later in life
- Allowing your potential to remain trapped behind strangers’ opinions.
- Spending more time living in the past than in the present.
- Time spent with people that don’t want the best for you.
- Neglecting family
- Never taking risks
10) Embrace uncertainty
For those who have the courage to choose uncertainty over the certain misery of a current situation, bad choices in your past become nothing more than a mistake that served to help you make good decisions in the future.
You can't improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.
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