10 Things that Worth Pursuing in Life


1. Love: You may have not found it, but it does exist. And it doesn’t always have to be intimate.

2. Friendship: Having a few authentic true friends, can really make a difference. But friendships can form when least expected.

3. Self-Awareness: You will know it, when it starts creeping in. Life changing to say the least. Especially if you start surrounding yourself with those in pursuit also.

4. Health: Health is very important. Learn about your body. What you put in it is what you will get out of it.

5. Mental Health: Not with a therapist, but with proper sleep, nutrition, meditation, healthy friends, goals, limited alcohol use, removing toxic people, setting personal boundaries, etc.

6. Higher Power: In reality, whatever works for you. There is something greater than yourself out there. No other way to explain it. 

7. Lessons: There are some gut wrenching lessons in this world. And if you don’t learn from them, you will keep repeating them. Accept who was put in your life at particular times and take something from each and every one of them. The biggest heart break can be the biggest lesson for self-growth.

8. Boundaries: Do NOT let anyone treat you as a convenience, or as an object. Watch how people’s actions, not what they say. Actions are everything. With proper boundaries you will avoid much pain.

9. Adventure: Pursue those adventures that you have been longing for while you can. Never too old for adventure!

10. Independence: Not just financial, but emotional. Really take some time to be alone, that’s where true growth starts! It will not come through someone else, or in relationship. If you aren’t happy with yourself, you will surely not find it in a relationship.


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